Pretty much since Palm Sunday, I’ve planned to sit down to write a blog about Easter. I struggled for various reasons, including self doubt. After all, what could I say about Easter that hasn’t already been said (currently, or over the past 2000 years)?

While exercising this morning, Steph asked me about my plans for the day. I blurted out that I planned to write a blog. So with that, I verbally committed to doing this.

Self Worth

When I said self doubt, I wasn’t referring to self confidence. Rather, I was being practical. I wanted to say something different about the season. As a marketer, I knew my chances of achieving a high SEO rank for the keyword “Easter” was unlikely. To say it another way, if my goal with this blog is to reach people, I had to figure out a way to set myself apart from the rest. Three days later, I still had no idea what I wanted to say.

I just didn’t believe I could contribute anything of value.

God sees us differently

As I mentioned on Monday’s Morning Fuel, last week Steph and I watched portions of The Passion of the Christ. The movie reminded me of the depth of God’s love for us.

God values each one of us.

In His eyes, we are worth more than our weight in gold.

Romans 5:6-8

Are you willing to die for your family? I think most of us would say yes. However, would you be willing to die for someone who stole from you? Last week, my AirPods slid out of my pocket in Fort Wayne. I didn’t realize it until the next day, but when I called the store, no one had turned them in.

Rather, someone saw them and decided to keep them. Am I willing to lay down my life for this person in the same way Jesus died for us?

6 When we were utterly helpless, Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners. 7 Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. 8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.

To be clear, I’m not angry or upset at anyone but me. I should have been more careful, and can replace my AirPods. I forgive the person who chose to keep them.

What if it was something bigger, like my truck?

The Meaning of Easter

Forgiveness. Redemption. Love. These three words were the theme God took me to on Monday. Who do you need to forgive? Are you in need of redemption? Do you feel God’s love?

As I wrote this blog, I knew I was revisiting the same ideas from my Facebook Live. There are things we think God should do. In my case, God should have given me a different topic, right?

Wrong. God’s love for us is so deep, it deserves revisiting. Remember, God didn’t need to send Jesus to die for us. But, He chose to because of how much He loves us.

Do you want to know more about God’s love for you? Send me an email and I’d be happy to walk through some scriptures with you.