First, as a random sidebar, isn’t it funny how a word’s meaning can significantly change based on whether it’s used as an adjective or a noun? I sat down to write an off-the-cuff blog today and wanted to talk about contentment. As you can see, I titled this blog Am I content?.

First, I stopped. Then, I stared. Next, I asked myself if I spelled content correctly. I realized that content — as in a content creator — is spelled the same way as someone who is content — at peace with their situation.

English is hard.

Logo design

As some of you know, I launched a marketing agency called five | two | eight digital. Initially, my target market was churches. I quickly realized that I needed to expand, and have been continually revising my portfolio.

However, it hasn’t stopped there! Recently, I realized that I needed business cards. Then, I realized I need a branding guide logo. Next, I realized that I really needed an official company logo. Know what?

Logo design is hard.

I’ll know it when I see it

I feel bad for my wife. Each of these design needs has been delegated to her. One of these days, I’ll have to start paying her for all she does for me! I drove her crazy with business card revisions, and now she has to figure out what I want for a logo.

After all, I’ll know what I want once I see it!

(For the uninitiated, this is a common statement agencies hear when it comes to design requests; here I am, doing the exact same thing to my poor wife!)

Am I content?

First, I need to say that I love my wife. She’s very accommodating and patient with me. Second, we’re growing together as we each try to build our skills and experience. So honey, thank you for putting up with me on these constant design revisions.

However, will I ever be content with stuff for my business? Probably, yes, at some point. Right now, I’m trying to figure it all out still.

Paul addresses contentment several times in his letters. Honestly, He’s pretty straight with us in 1 Timothy 6:8!

8 So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.

In other words, maybe my logo doesn’t have to be perfect. Maybe showing appreciation for my wife’s efforts is far more important than making sure every pixel is aligned just so.

God has proved His faithfulness. We have enough food and clothing. We have a roof over our head. I even have a standing desk.

That is if my son would stop stealing it!